1. INANE silliness, waste of time
2. INBOARD boat engine built into the hull
3. INBORN inherent from birth
4. INCLUDE: incorporate _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. INCUS anvil-shaped bone in the ear
6. INDENT to make a dent in something
7. INDIE an independent company in the film industry
8. INDIUM a silver-colored, rare metallic element used in electroplating
9. INDUCTEE person enrolled into the military or other organization
10. INEPT incompetent
11. INERT unable to move or not moving
12. INGOT a metal casting, typically in a brick shape
13. INHALE breathe in _ _ _ _ _ _
14. INITIATE to introduce a person to something new
15. INLET fabric or lace sewn into a garment's seam for decoration or alteration
16. INNATE relating to the traits that a person or animal is born with
17. INNER internal
18. INNING a round of play in a baseball or softball game
19. INNOCENT guiltless
20. INNS places where travelers sleep and often also eat
21. INNUENDO a remark that insinuates impropriety or similar suggestion of uncouthness
22. INORGANIC not composed of vegetable or animal
23. INSPECT look over carefully
24. INSPIRE encourage or enthuse _ _ _ _ _ _ _
25. INSTALL to put equipment or software into place
26. INTENT determined
27. INTERMEZZO a short musical composition,
28. INTO enthusiastic about
29. INTRAMURAL inside the tissue of the wall of a blood vessel or other cavity
30. INTROSPECTION self assessment of your thoughts, intentions, and feelings
31. INTROVERT shy person
32. INTUIT get a feeling impression, usually without forethought
33. INTUITION the act of intuiting
34. INUNDATE overwhelm
35. INURE to accustom a person or animal to something unlikable, such as pain or trouble
Happy Puzzling!
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