This is The Peppy Puzzler where I get to craft puzzles for puzzle lovers!
I created this blog to share my love of puzzling with others. I like to fashion logic puzzles and word searches. I keep my language clean and do not use "questionable" topics. My puzzles are family-friendly!
I will post the logic puzzle introduction and clues on one day and post the answer later. For easy puzzles, I will post the answer the next day; but for hard logic puzzles, I will give you a few days — up to a week — to stew over the answer. You can ask for help in the comments section. I will give hints, but not the answer. That's for you to decipher!
Just a note: I noticed many websites that offer logic puzzles do not give an accounting of how they arrived at the answer. Each of my puzzles have a written explanation of the logic behind the answer. You can use the explanation to get a hint to help you if you get stuck. Often if you can get started (the first one or two sentences in the explanation), you can continue to solve it. I don't consider it cheating if you need to peek!
For word search puzzles, I will post the answer the following day.
I am learning how to make printer friendly pages so that you can print off the puzzles. I plan to have it in place within the next few days. It seems there is a lot to learn about blogging!
Most of my puzzles will be for adults, but I also will post kids' puzzles each week. Many of my word search and logic puzzles are appropriate for home schoolers. If there is a topic that you are interested in, please leave a note in the comments section.
Here's to Happy Puzzling!