Here's a little puzzle that you can get into! Each of the 32 words begin with in. The tricky part is that I have given you one definition of each word and you must decide what word will be in the puzzle. Hint: you may want to work back and forth between the definitions and the puzzle. Solve as many of the definitions as you can. While you are searching for those words, you probably will see more words that will answer some of the unsolved definitions. Tomorrow, I will post the word list and solution grid. Good luck!
(I've given you two more hints to finding the words: the blanks are the right number of letters and the list is alphabetical according to the words.)
1. silliness, waste of time _ _ _ _ _
2. boat engine built into the hull _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. inherent from birth _ _ _ _ _ _
4. incorporate _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. anvil-shaped bone in the ear _ _ _ _ _
6. to make a dent in something _ _ _ _ _ _
7. an independent company in the film industry _ _ _ _ _
8. a silver-colored, rare metallic element used in electroplating _ _ _ _ _ _
9. person enrolled into the military or other organization _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10. incompetent _ _ _ _ _
11. unable to move or not moving _ _ _ _ _
12. a metal casting, typically in a brick shape _ _ _ _ _
13. breathe in _ _ _ _ _ _
14. to introduce a person to something new _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
15. fabric or lace sewn into a garment's seam for decoration or alteration _ _ _ _ _
16. relating to the traits that a person or animal is born with _ _ _ _ _ _
17. internal _ _ _ _ _
18. a round of play in a baseball or softball game _ _ _ _ _ _
19. guiltless _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
20. places where travelers sleep and often also eat _ _ _ _
21. a remark that insinuates impropriety or similar suggestion of uncouthness
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
22. not composed of vegetable or animal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
23. look over carefully _ _ _ _ _ _ _
24. encourage or enthuse _ _ _ _ _ _ _
25. to put equipment or software into place _ _ _ _ _ _ _
26. determined _ _ _ _ _ _
27. a short musical composition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
28. enthusiastic about _ _ _ _
29. inside the tissue of the wall of a blood vessel or other cavity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
30. self assessment of your thoughts, intentions, and feelings _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
31. shy person _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
32. get a feeling impression, usually without forethought _ _ _ _ _ _
33. the act of intuiting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
34. overwhelm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
35. to acclimatize a person or animal to something unlikable, such as pain or trouble
_ _ _ _ _
Happy puzzling!